Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Whenever I feel afraid I whistle a happy tune

I am officially the worst blogger ever. I don't know why, but recently blogging has just not made it to my to-do list and I feel terribly about it. Often times I start projects and never complete them and I desperately don't want this blog to turn out that way. To rekindle the flame I think a music post is in order. To be honest, I really have no authority in music posts whatsoever, yet nothing compares to the feeling that rises inside you when a really really good song comes on the radio and dramatically alters your mood. Also, nothing compares with the immense satisfaction of knowing you were the first one to listen to some indie artist when their music gets played on MTV. So here it goes, please enjoy.

Please Don't Touch - Polly Scattergood

And We Danced... - Macklemore

Brighter Than Sunshine - Aqualung

Toothpaste Kisses - The Maccabees

Introducing Palace Players - Mew

Golden Train - Justin Nozuka

One Week of Danger - The Virgins

Walls of Jericho - Animal Kingdom

Lights & Music - Cut Copy

Beach Baby - Bon Iver

Time On Your Side - Emily Jane White

Shout Out Loud - Amos Lee

Healing Hands - Citizen Cope


  1. I know and like some of the songs from this list. I've got to check the rest out;) Thanks for sharing! :*

  2. I go through phases where I don't feel like blogging - just keep posting whatever makes you feel good! And thanks for the music suggestions, I'll definitely check these out!



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